Ray Lokar's Fundamentals Factory for Youth Basketball
with Ray Lokar ("Coach Lok"),
30+ year basketball coach at the youth, high school and college levels;
Positive Coaching Alliance/Stanford University - Lead Trainer;
Director - Basketball4All,net Editor - Basketball-tips.com
Ray Lokar presents his "Fundamentals Factory," a place where developing basketball players go to build their game in a competitive, fun environment!
Coach Lok simplifies the fundamentals of basketball, highlights the key points, and leads the demonstration of fun and effective drills, competitive contests, and short-sided games to benefit any youth basketball team. Prepare to encounter fresh and innovative concepts and insightful teaching points from a basketball coaching veteran that will help you improve all of your players, on both sides of the ball, in all areas.
Learn about:
The "Golden Triangle"
The ball-man-line
Why you need "your feet to your responsibility"
Unique thoughts on shooting
Why it's OK to sprint/slide on defense
Lokar's 5-Out Spots Offense
Pay special attention to Coach Lok's coaching style - giving receivable feedback and making corrections in a constructive, positive way and get his "5-Steps to Being a Better Player - RIGHT NOW!"
Fundamentals Factory for Youth Basketball is an amazing series of teaching points, drills, exercises, life lessons, coaching tips, team building and more. Coach Lok is terrific in his approach; he works with a group of young kids--most of whom have never worked with him before--and transforms them over the duration of this DVD, into a team-like unit capable of great potential.
A great DVD for every youth basketball coach and youth basketball program director!
"Ray Lokar is a fantastic Double-Goal coach - he wins on the scoreboard while using sports to teach life lessons to his players. Ray Lokar knows a lot about coaching basketball. Every time I talk to Ray I learn something new about coaching so I know you're going to enjoy this DVD and learn a lot from it!"
Jim Thompson - Founder and Executive Director, Positive Coaching Alliance
276 minutes (2 DVDs). 2010.
Ray Lokar's Building an Effective Youth Basketball Practice
Learn how you can consistently build effective and efficient youth basketball practices.
Ray Lokar, a 30+ year veteran youth basketball coach, discusses everything to take into consideration leading up to the first practice, and then goes ahead with full detailed descriptions of every element of an effective youth basketball practice. In addition, he shares how he utilizes his "Fundamentals Factory" approach within the framework of his practice planning structure. (NOTE: if you already own the "Fundamentals Factory" DVD, this will help you design great practices!)
Building an Effective Youth Basketball Practice provides a cumulative framework with which any coach can adapt to his or her team's practice sessions immediately. As a special, incredible bonus - Coach Lok has included downloadable PDFs of:
Practice Structure - Coach Lok's very own plan for every situation and every part of the practice
Fundamentals Packet - Eight pages of tips, drills and skills that will help every player!
"Special Situations" list that you can make into a mini "tournament" in practice!
Sample Drills packet - contains detailed descriptions of every drill done in the DVD series and many more (over 100+ total drills!)
A great DVD for every youth basketball coach!
"Ray Lokar is a fantastic Double-Goal coach - he wins on the scoreboard while using sports to teach life lessons to his players. Ray Lokar knows a lot about coaching basketball. Every time I talk to Ray I learn something new about coaching so I know you're going to enjoy this DVD and learn a lot from it!"
Jim Thompson - Founder and Executive Director, Positive Coaching Alliance
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